Podcast Guest Appearances
Building Educator Capacity with CESA 2 : "Educational Gaming in the Classroom with Game Design and Technology Experts" Part 1 (9.27.22) and Part 2 (10.11.22)
The Council on the Future of Education: “CFE Founder Andrea Trudeau” (2018)
EduTechGuys Conference Coverage ICE 2019: “Kristen Mattson & Andrea Trudeau” (2.27.19)
Filament Games: “Making VR a Reality in the Classroom” (6.13.17)
Future Ready Schools Podcast: "Tafakari: A Summer Teaching in Tanzania & Kenya (with Andrea Trudeau)" (12.6.22)
In AWE Podcast: "In AWE of Andrea Trudeau: Perseverance Series" (10.24.22)
The Literacy Advocate: “What Would It Take to Get Our Schools Doing Alternative Assessment?” (5.24.21)
The Optimalist Podcast:
School Librarians United with Amy Hermon:
"VR and Building Empathy" (8.4.23)
"Renovations: Experts Chime In" (11.18.22)
“Virtual Burnout and Self-Care” (10.11.20)
Teach in VR: “Maria and Andrea on the HTC Vive in Education” (2017)